
Fiona Routledge sole trading as Fiona Routledge (‘Fiona Routledge’) works hard to ensure the accuracy of the information contained on the Fiona Routledge website, however Fiona Routledge does not make any warranties or representations as to the completeness or accuracy of any information. Fiona Routledge shall not be responsible or liable to any person or entity with respect to any potential claim for any damage however suffered, following reliance on any information contained on the site.

Changes and additions to the information contained on the Fiona Routledge website may be made at any time without any prior notice.

Any opinion or preference expressed by Fiona Routledge is a personal opinion or preference based upon prior experience and information available to Fiona Routledge at the time of expressing the opinion or preference. Any opinion or preference expressed by Fiona Routledge does not purport to be the factual truth absolutely in all circumstances.

All products and descriptions in accordance with Fiona Routledge’s experience using and developing same in the locality of Cornwall, England, and therefore Fiona Routledge cannot guarantee product performance or results in other localities, but has endeavoured to make available or make known suitable substitutes where reasonably available and known to Fiona Routledge.

It is also important to note that Fiona Routledge does not provide web training or web tutoring however she can point you in the direction where you can learn online. Fiona Routledge can provide you with digital marketing materials in order for you to market your product or business but she does not provide a bespoke marketing service.

Fiona Routledge does not provide any warranties that its website is undisrupted, error free or free from malicious software such as computer viruses.

Fiona Routledge may provide links or refer to information controlled and maintained by others. These links or referrals are included for convenience purposes only and do not constitute an endorsement unless expressly stated otherwise by Fiona Routledge. The user takes sole responsibility for use of third party sites.