I work with acrylic paints, pigments and mixed medium on artist’s canvas and wooden panels.

I am passionate about colour and art.

With an attitude of playful abstract experimentalism; the process in turn gives me gentle and positive therapy.

I am influenced by the amazing fluid artists around the world including Shelee Carruthers and Jessica WinterStrom.

When it comes to fine art, I love the classics like Van Gogh and Impressionism; and Erin Hanson, a prolific modern-day advocate of Open Impressionism - a movement she has fully endorsed in America.

I love working with acrylic paint and my goal is to graduate to oils and fine art landscapes.

I live near the coast in Cornwall and draw inspiration from the colours and shapes of nature, the seasons, and the weather. The changing shades of the sea are my favourite colours.

Please contact me if you are interested or would like a bespoke custom commission.

I also love working with other artists. When I am not web building I try to find time to paint.